With 7.5 billion people on the planet there is not one way to wellness, but one thing is for sure, without a solid foundation and a mind/body/soul connection the chance of long-term success is glim.  After being in the industry for nearly 2 decades, the one thing I have noticed missing in so many diet […]

This may seem like an insane thing to say and there are plenty of critics out there that want to dismiss the possibility, but my question to you is – Have you ever tried? I remember growing up and seeing on the news, some parents had Child Protection Services called on them by the hospital […]

I typically live by the “anything in moderation” rule. I have been very intentional to heal any possible dietary restrictions, as I never want to exist with a fear of any food. Some think this is crazy, I think it is crazy that humans choose to live with dietary restrictions. Now, if you are one […]

When I was 18, I remember I thought with quite certainty that I would never be a single mom and I would never have an abortion. Fast forward a few years to 2 weeks after my 25th birthday and me realizing that I was in fact going to be a single mom or have an […]

Fascia? What the hell is that? Even after being in the industry since 2005, I will be completely transparent in saying – I had never even heard of fascia until I encountered Ashley Black on Facebook. I saw this tool that claimed it would reduce the site of cellulite….hahaha, yeah right I thought. Then I […]

We often only speak on “soul mates” in reference to lovers. Soul mates do not only come in the lover form. Soul mates are humans you come across that are a part of your soul tribe in the spiritual world. In the spiritual world, our soul has time to evaluate and choose lessons that will […]

This isn’t the first time I have talked about The Big 3, but when something is important it is worth mentioning again!!! Now, The Big 3 are vital to each and every human, and failing to meet these 3 means you will ultimately FAIL any plan you “try” 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated70% of […]

This blog could not be further from the “conventional feminist movement” push. This blog is a basic breakdown of divine energies that are meant to exist in a partnership for the advancement of humankind. Masculine does not mean man. Feminine does not mean woman. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are the powerful and necessary energies […]

Interesting title right? I know when I first heard this, I thought – why on earth would you say that to anyone….you are not special? But then I told my ego to calm down as there may be a chance for a fresh perspective on this one. This statement is odd to hear because we […]

What do you think when you see these two words? Are they interchangeable to you? Do you see a difference in them? The noun version of fault actually contains the word responsibility in it. Fault – responsibility for an accident or misfortune. The verb version of fault – criticize for inadequacy or mistakes. Responsibility has […]

© 2005 Amanda Riley

Amanda Riley WEllness