As we practice giving ourselves GRACE, embracing ourselves is essential. To truly embrace ourselves, we also need to make the choice to love ourselves unconditionally. I know the first time I heard this said to me, I thought about all the areas I needed to improve on first. I thought, how can I love myself […]

I don’t now about you, but it took me years to realize that focusing on my weaknesses kinda sucked. I used to look at everything I did wrong and immediately dive into how I could improve those areas so it was better next time. I did this in school, volleyball, basketball, softball, with friends and […]

Do you know how much time and pain we could save ourselves by saying what we need with our words wrapped in love? I am being dead serious when I ask this….like, if you just said what you mean and we as humans had enough love, compassion and grace to hear another and then honor […]

When the course Giving Yourself GRACE was created, the R in the acronym stands for Remove Toxins. Now, toxins can come in many forms, just a few to name are foods, products, thoughts, habits, energy, and even people.  To become well we must remove the very toxins that are destroying us on every layer.  Often, […]

How often do you feel like you are failing at something and you “should” all over yourself? #momfail is an actual hashtag, we laugh about this…but is it really that funny? Now don’t get me wrong – I chuckle about this myself and use it sometimes but I certainly find a lot more fun when […]

GRACE is one of my favorite words of all time. There are a few definitions – simple elegance or refinement of movement, courteous goodwill, do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence, and of course the mercy that God gives us humans (which humans should then extend to other humans…because, do we […]

How annoyed do you get with your children when you tell them something they clearly DO NOT KNOW and they say “yah, I know!” When my daugther says this to me, I think – if you freaking knew, you wouldn’t do it!!!! We would not be having this very conversation if you KNEW because if […]

2020 has been quite the year-no one will deny that. The fear, hatred and division has caused friendships to end, families to stop talking and depression to rise as we all try to figure out how we go about our next phase of life. There are some who have experienced tremendous suffering, while others have […]

“Your perception is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will expand your mind.” Dr. Bruce Lipton. Dr. Bruce Lipton, are you familiar? If every human took a few hours to listen to some of his works, we could make some great shifts for humanity!! Yes, I believe 100% without […]

I have literally worked my whole life. My mother worked fulled time and had a few health issues when I was growing up, so for as long as I can remember I was paid to clean the house, clean the pool and mow the lawn. When I turned 12, my dad added me to his […]

© 2005 Amanda Riley

Amanda Riley WEllness