Amanda Riley Wellness
Fascia? What the hell is that? Even after being in the industry since 2005, I will be completely transparent in saying – I had never even heard of fascia until I encountered Ashley Black on Facebook. I saw this tool that claimed it would reduce the site of cellulite….hahaha, yeah right I thought. Then I […]
This isn’t the first time I have talked about The Big 3, but when something is important it is worth mentioning again!!! Now, The Big 3 are vital to each and every human, and failing to meet these 3 means you will ultimately FAIL any plan you “try” 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated70% of […]
What do you think when you see these two words? Are they interchangeable to you? Do you see a difference in them? The noun version of fault actually contains the word responsibility in it. Fault – responsibility for an accident or misfortune. The verb version of fault – criticize for inadequacy or mistakes. Responsibility has […]
I don’t now about you, but it took me years to realize that focusing on my weaknesses kinda sucked. I used to look at everything I did wrong and immediately dive into how I could improve those areas so it was better next time. I did this in school, volleyball, basketball, softball, with friends and […]
When the course Giving Yourself GRACE was created, the R in the acronym stands for Remove Toxins. Now, toxins can come in many forms, just a few to name are foods, products, thoughts, habits, energy, and even people. To become well we must remove the very toxins that are destroying us on every layer. Often, […]
GRACE is one of my favorite words of all time. There are a few definitions – simple elegance or refinement of movement, courteous goodwill, do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence, and of course the mercy that God gives us humans (which humans should then extend to other humans…because, do we […]
Amanda Riley WEllness