I am a small town WI girl, three year Seattle transplant and now a suburban mama/entrepreneur. I love to empower ladies (and some men!) with education on the amazingness of their own true healing! Our bodies are divine temples that were made to heal and protect us, they just need the right tools! I love to help my clients find these tools and live a kick-ass life spreading the ripple effects of love, compassion and grace!
I’ve been a coach since graduating high school, where I coached volleyball and basketball while in college. There, I was introduced to anatomy and physiology and feel in love with how the body functioned. After graduating college, I started my personal training career. With that experience and years of research, countless books, seminars, podcast, documentaries and anything I can get my hands on with how the body can heal, I have made it my life mission to help others truly fall in love with their body and all it does while equipping them with tools to aid in their healing
The body is designed to heal and humans are meant to be connected. Embracing this fact has altered my life and opened my mind to unconventional ways of wellness. Unfortunately, “normal” now includes obesity, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain and mental health issues so going by the “recommended” protocols often leads people to more issues and no healing. The more I learn, the more amazed I become with the human body and I love sharing that information with anyone who is ready to step outside the “normal” box.
I’m the youngest of three and was an 80’s baby that grew up in the country with my parents, sister Heidi and brother Thor. While I am no exception to experiencing pain in my younger years, my parents worked hard to provide a beautiful home and incredible memories. I spent many days with my cousins and friends swimming, playing outside and exploring the area on bikes, rollerblades or foot! I spent the school year in different sports and my summers on my father’s blacktopping crew – which is still one of my all time favorite jobs!
My favorite person is my daughter Taylynn, and while I said I would NEVER be one of those small dog lovers, Spike, our 3 lb yorkie has captured my heart. We added two cats, Faith and Hope, to our family as well. If I could survive on pizza, red wine and cookie dough…I totally would! But, after being in the health and wellness industry since 2005, I treat my body a bit better than that! (Oh, and I swear a lot) I am an open book so don’t ever hesitate asking me about something you are curious about.
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